Zrharc! The Comment Word Verification Dictionary
If you've tried to post a comment on a Blogger's blog, you've likely run into Word Verification, that random string of letters that you must type in order for your comment to go through. Sometimes we've seen that "word" and made up a funny definition for it. This is a lexicon of those definitions.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
1. n. pl. Mistakes, as spoken in a drunken, Alabama vernacular. "Messin'-ups."
2. n. pl. Wedding ceremonies for certain employees of Microsoft.
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n. A microscopic organism causing disease in the part of the brain related to spelling words. See also: cntaqx, pomhr (1).
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1. n. Dayvhd, 1954-2006, the fictitional American President from TV's "24", according to someone who cannot spell anything correctly. See also mkriobe.
2. n. The Human Resources department of Pom Wonderful.
3. n. A virtually unknown beta spinoff site from Flickr, where users can upload their pomhs for free (25 megapomh limit).
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