v. to strike a television or a DVD player with one's fingers (or the end of a stick) out of frustration, usually when the device is malfunctioning.
If you've tried to post a comment on a Blogger's blog, you've likely run into Word Verification, that random string of letters that you must type in order for your comment to go through. Sometimes we've seen that "word" and made up a funny definition for it. This is a lexicon of those definitions.
v. to strike a television or a DVD player with one's fingers (or the end of a stick) out of frustration, usually when the device is malfunctioning.
n. Production codeword for the latest version of Mountain Dew: Goat-Cheese Xtreme [Code] Yellow.
n. a pasty in the shape of a fig or fig leaf, used by people who dress up as adam on halloween.
1. n. a. very ugly shirt
v. what the manager says to the DJ right before he starts spinning his favorite version of madonna's "hung up"
phrase. what a guy says to a girl when he take her home and she says "where are we?"
1. v. to belch after eating Goobers.
n. the residual noise a bug zapper makes after it has just fried a rather tasty bug.
n. the sound of a small, out-of-control spacecraft bouncing along high-tension power lines before landing in a mud field.
phrase. what you say to someone who thinks they're hiding behind a pebble when playing hide and seek.
n. a tiny tree found in a martial arts dojo. See also: Tae-bosai, found in Billy Blanks's Boot Camp.
1. n. What ze French use to close ze envelopes.
n. A medication in pill form that prohibits ex-stupid people from having asinine thoughts.
n. The hangover specifically brought on by drinking an excess of uzo. Often leads one to chop down trees. With an ax.
1. n. the sound a quirky person makes when he or she sneezes.
adj. quick and husky.
1. n. a former employee of a movie special effects company.
n. the sound made when all the pressurized carbonation leaves a bottle of soda as the lid is unscrewed.
n. A fondue lower in fat and calories than the average fondue. Enjoyed by those on the South Beach Diet, Atkins, and Weight Watchers. Frowned upon by the gourmets at